Sunday, November 14, 2010

Aronofsky Says Wolverine 2 Won't Be A Conventional Sequel, and He Also Reveals The Film's Title

For awhile there it seemed that another Wolverine film wouldn't be happening, at least for awhile. But with Darren Aronofsky officially on-board for the film, he has let loose some details about the film that will make fans of Weapon X, very happy.

In a recent interview Aronofsky reported that the film will be called, THE WOLVERINE. He would go on to say that this will not be a conventional sequel, meaning that he plans to stray away from the last film completely and make a stand-alone film. Which sounds good to me.

THE WOLVERINE will place Logan in Japan as he tries to regain his lost memory, and learn new skills as he takes on a villainous super-group called, The Hand.

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