Monday, November 15, 2010


Independent horror films are always good, no matter what some people say. There is just something about a low-budget horror film. I think it is mostly that this types of movies are made how the filmmakers want, and they are free from interference from major movie studios or their rules.

DANGER. ZOMBIES. RUN is one such film and it has already garnered several wins at Film Festivals across the country, including a Best Comedy Award at the Fright Night Film Festival.

Here is the synopsis for the film direct from the website for the movie:
Zombies attack a crew filming a zombie movie. While the zombie actors chew the scenery, real zombies chew the actors. But what’s really gnawing at them can’t be outrun. Better tie your shoelaces. DANGER. ZOMBIES. RUN. asks why we run from zombies, and why they chase us. No, you can't always run away from your problems. Eventually, they will catch up with you.

Here is the Trailer for the film:

For more information on the movie go to

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