Sunday, January 02, 2011


Hailee Steinfeld was amazing and among all the acting talent in this movie she made the movie. She did have help from a one-eyed Jeff Bridges and a blonde Matt Damon. But she stood her ground and this newcomer may be in the running for a few Best Actress Awards, simply amazing.

I was very surprised about how funny this movie was, the jabs back and forth between some of the characters were hilarious! I shouldn't be surprised though considering that this is a Cohen Brothers movie and they are the masters of the dark comedy.

I enjoyed every minute of the movie, it was beautifully shot and extremely well acted.

The best thing about the movie is that it was so well written, a lot of times movies focus either more on the action, or the story. Or vice versa. You occasionally get the films that find the right balance of action and story to please everyone. True Grit does that and more, and it is hands down one of the best films of 2010.

RATING: 10 out of 10

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